The Discover... on Foot team

Berend Wolffenbuttel
Since September 2006 I live with my wife Georgia on the island of Crete. After a short period on the island of Kefalonia and before living together in Holland we live now in the beautiful village Vamos in Western Crete. After my study in the environmental business I went for 2 years abroad working in the hotel business and tourism. Afterwards I worked for 5 years for an environmental engineering company in Holland, mainly doing projects on soil remediation. At the same time I was working as a part-time tennis teacher, to keep myself also physically active!
When we moved to Greece I was already working on the idea to do something with walking. As a hobby I did in the past quite some mountain walks and after 1 season working at a car rental company, I decided to start a small walking company on Crete, organizing daily walks. This lasted for three years and now, a few years later, I work during the season as a walking guide for a local travel agent, K-Travel. I mainly do treks and walking weeks for German travel companies but also for other companies. At the moment I'm working as a freelance walking guide and as a writer of walking guidebooks. The first walking guidebook with walks and history about "my village Vamos” I wrote in 2009 with big help from my wife! My friend Toine, who is graphic designer and also lives in Vamos, suggested joining the project and making a proper full colour book instead of a standard A5 black and white booklet. In the series Discover...On Foot we made nine walking guidebooks and had some other projects as well. I hope to write much more books and enjoy my stay on Crete together with my wife and daughters Daphne and Elina!
Toine van der Meijden
Love of Greece and a Greek lady brought me to Greece and also to the village Vamos in Crete. In Holland, Kaatsheuvel, I still run for many years my own graphic design office doing projects for many different clients. Parallel to my working career I was always busy with music! With my best friends I started the band AEMEN which became a semi-professional alternative rock band. Since I met my wife Elena I try to spent as much as possible time in Crete and try to create, beside my work in Holland. Besides my graphic work I try to develop myself more and more as a photographer, which is very "handy” for our colourful walking guidebooks! Besides work of course I try to enjoy as much as possible the life on Crete with my wife Elena and daughter Iris!